Future Development

Some of the current areas of research and commercial applications are:

Using the energy released to generate power when two atoms combine with particular reference to the chlorine field (GE has a similar patent for a domestic sized device). The use of graphene in the super/conductor fields. The Nobel Prize was awarded when graphene was discovered. Recent research by the German Max Planck and French Marie Curie Institutes have managed to produce a stable two-dimensional lattice of carbon atoms. This achievement coupled with future research into stable three-dimensional lattices can potentially revolutionize both the larger energy and smaller electronics fields. Perovskite apart from Graphene is also contributing to the PV industry. It is also possible to use carbon dioxide to generate water, hydrogen, and methyl hydride, also it has been suggested that carbon dioxide to pumped into subterranean level which are rich in methane which can then be extracted and used for turbine energy production.