About us

The overview will be non-technical in nature and will observe current geo-global political and supply aspects of the energy chain. The Third World and certain Eastern Superpowers are wealthy in terms of energy and resource availability. Political tensions, financial and corruption practices have made this challenging. Labor migration to what appears to be a wealthier environment is a mitigating factor in this scenario.

Technology has advanced in the last few decades that can help alleviate this situation and it should be obvious that both the Third World and the Eastern Superpowers have the capabilities to conduct this exercise. The next frontier will be the supply of both water and energy. Whist it is desirable to reduce the carbon footprint current research utilizes the formation of carbon dioxide to create energy.

The potential result could be an increase in the requirement for carbon. Some of the research being undertaken has the formation of Hydrogen and water as end products. We are on a mission to build a more sustainable world, one step at a time. We understand that technology alone won’t make this happen. People need to change too, that is the role we play.

We set our prices at a level that allows us to do our job of building new sources of green energy – as we seek to end the use of fossil fuels in the energy sector. The more people who join us, the more we can do to end fossil fuels. With a range of smart tech to choose from and our expert teams by your side, we can help reduce your energy bills and our collective carbon footprint. Join us on the path to energy that’s better for you, your wallet and the planet. The connection you make, helps improve reputation, strengthen relationships and build greater loyalty and retention, resulting in a more profitable and sustainable future for all.


Many of our customers have already taken a step towards energy independence with our solar panel installation with battery storage. Generate up to 70% of your electricity using the sun!


The turbines that dot the horizon in increasing numbers make South Africa the sixth-biggest generator of wind power in the world.


Solar cells, also known as Photovoltaic (PV cells), convert sunlight directly into electricity.


Hydroelectric power comes from dams where they release water from height, and this drives a water turbine and generator.


Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals, often in the form of wood pellets, waste wood or animal manure.